Sunday, July 5, 2009


here is a list (in no particular order) of the reasons that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this time of year.

1- BBQ's
3- swimming
4- parades
5- hot air balloon festival in Provo
6- Red, White, & Blue what a great combination!
7- Family
8- fireworks
9- late nights
10- warm days and almost cool nights
11- FREEDOM!!!
12- blankets scattering on lawns
13- happy people young and old
14- Flags waving
15- watermelon
16- firetrucks
17- sparklers
18- fun
19- corn on the cob
20- pops, fizzes & screeches!!

We were able to do lots of things on my list and maybe when my little monsters are older we will do more.
We went swimming & had a BBQ at Ryan's parents house and fearless Coleton and little fish Remington didn't want to get out of the water.
We also went to my mom's for a dutch oven dinner and fireworks!
We had a great day and the boys were exhausted by the end. Poor little Coleton didn't make it through the fireworks he feel asleep and all the loud bangs didn't even faze him. Gage did great although he seemed bored by the end of the fireworks.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hey, I'm glad I found out finally you had a blog! Now I can keep in touch even better! You sure have a good looking family!