I had a close call over the week end. I may be a bit of a drama queen but really I don't like being in trouble or the thought of being in trouble. I never have, so here is my tale!
I am not very faithful in checking the mail. (You need to know that because it pertains to this story.) We have a community box at the end of the street where everyone gets their mail. {If it was in front of my house I am sure I would get it everyday, but its not so I don't}
It had been about a week since I had checked the mail.
Thursday July 23rd. Ryan is working late and it is Spanish Fork Fiesta Days! I decide to take the kids down hit the carnival. We rode a few rides and walked around looking at all the white trash that carnivals bring. Seriously I don't understand it but we'll save that for another time. I stopped to buy diapers and wipes then headed home and decided to check the mail on my way! We got home kinda late and so I got the kids in bed and forgot about the mail until Friday morning.
Well Friday morning I start going through the mail and find a letter from the court. I open it and see that I was supposed to report for jury selection on
Wednesday July 21st
well It certainly was after that. I started to panic. I remember what they said about people who missed it the last time I was selected for jury duty. They can go to jail!!!
I prayed that the jurors were dismissed like is possible. I called Friday and NO ONE answered the phones I was so frustrated until Ryan mentions that the court is probably closed for the 24th of July. Stupid Utah holiday {really I love it}
I had to wait clear until MONDAY! So first thing this morning I call and find out that the lady with the information wont be in until 1 pm. GREAT!
So right at 1 I called and talked to Cathy and found out that the jurors were dismissed that day and I panicked all weekend for nothing. However it is good to know that I am NOT I repeat NOT in trouble! woo close call!
I also learned a valuable lesson that only checking the mail once a week is a BAD IDEA!! I am still on call for jury duty through September and am very willing to go serve if needed!