Tuesday, August 30, 2011

California Vacation

We were so fortunate to be able to go to New Port Beach California and spend a week with Ryan's side of the family. The kids LOVED spending time with their cousins, playing at the beach and going to Disneyland. I have a ton of pictures so I think I will break them up a little bit so it isn't total overload.
 I love that I taught him the sign for I Love You! He will just say hey mom and I turn around and he is signing it to me! He really is a sweet boy!
 Here they are on the couch watching a movie while we settle into our rooms. The boys were tired when we got there. Two days of traveling will do that to a person, especially in a little car. Yes we are crazy and took our little red Hyundai. That is a whole different post. .
 He was a little grouchy again 6 hours in the car squeezed between a door and a brother will do that to a little guy.
 Cheryl and I visiting and of course the camera comes out. I look awful but decided to post anyway.
 Yes I am a little sunburned. It looks worse than it actually was. It didn't hardly hurt I promise!
 The kids and their DS's. A staple I tell you. Heaven only knows how parents did road trips before these things were invented!
 A shot with most of the cousins. the 2 youngest were downstairs.
Must go exploring the place.
One of the best parts of the condo besides being a short walk to the beach was that there was a cool ocean breeze and no need for AC. We had fans on and left windows and doors open. I could never do that at home we'd have flies all over everything!!! The condo was big and spacious and so comfortable. There was a kitchen that was stocked well with cooking utensils. There were 4 bedrooms upstairs and 2 bathrooms. Downstairs there was 2 bedrooms and 1 1/2 bathrooms. We shared the upstairs with Ryan's sister and her family. Ryan's parents and other sister and family were downstairs. Ryan's 2 brothers couldn't make it and that is too bad.
We really missed them. We would all like to go back again. and definitely planning for it!! 

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